Zeolite - Apophyllite - No.21

Zeolite - Apophyllite - No.21

DKK 174.00

Zeolites, steeped in history, embody the fusion of soothing water and transformative fire energies. As protectors of serenity, they cleanse negativity and inspire inner peace. With roots in ancient civilizations, Zeolites adorn spaces with their natural allure, fostering tranquillity and renewal. They beckon seekers to embrace transformation and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Apophyllite, a luminous member of the Zeolite family, resonates with the gentle vibrations of love and healing. Its calming presence soothes the soul, alleviating stress and anxiety, while its potent energy stimulates the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, facilitating spiritual awakening and psychic development. Embrace its divine essence and unlock the secrets of the universe. Apophyllite is beneficial for individuals on a spiritual journey, seeking higher knowledge, intuition, and connection with the divine. It aids in meditation, inner reflection, and accessing the higher realms of consciousness.

Zeolites adorn homes with their natural splendour and aesthetic charm. From shimmering clusters to delicate formations, each Zeolite specimen is a masterpiece of nature's design, showcasing intricate patterns and captivating hues.

Incorporating the essence of water, Zeolites embody the fluidity of existence and the cyclical nature of life. Their presence evokes a sense of fluid motion and dynamic balance, mirroring the ebb and flow of the cosmic tides. As conduits of the water element, Zeolites harness the power of renewal and regeneration, inviting individuals to dive deep into the waters of self-discovery and renewal.

Chakras: Apophyllite and Zeolites primarily resonate with the Crown Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra. These crystals are often associated with spiritual awakening, intuition, and higher consciousness. They facilitate the opening of these chakras, enabling deeper connections to the spiritual realm, inner wisdom, and universal energies. Additionally, their calming and cleansing properties may indirectly influence other chakras by promoting overall balance and harmony within the energy system.

  • Weight: 348g

  • Length: 8.5 cm - Wide: 6 cm - Height: 3.5 cm

  • Origen: India, the Himalayan mountains

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