Zeolite - Stilbite, Fluorite & Scolecite No.14

Zeolite - Stilbite, Fluorite & Scolecite No.14

DKK 495.00

Zeolites, steeped in history, embody the fusion of soothing water and transformative fire energies. As protectors of serenity, they cleanse negativity and inspire inner peace. With roots in ancient civilizations, Zeolites adorn spaces with their natural allure, fostering tranquillity and renewal. They beckon seekers to embrace transformation and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Yellow Stilbite, a gentle guardian of the heart and spirit, emanates a soft glow of compassion and healing. With its tender vibrations, Stilbite offers solace and comfort, gently easing the burdens of the soul and inviting tranquillity into the depths of being. As a cherished member of the Zeolite family, Stilbite resonates with the gentle vibrations of love and serenity. Its calming presence soothes the spirit, alleviating stress and anxiety, while nurturing a sense of inner peace and harmony. Stilbite is a beacon of light for those on a journey of self-discovery and emotional healing, guiding them towards a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Fluorite, known as the "Genius Stone," embodies the essence of mental clarity, organization, and focus. Its multi-coloured hues represent the diversity of thought and the integration of ideas. Fluorite harmonizes with the mind, fostering a sense of mental balance and enhancing cognitive abilities. It is a stone of discernment, aiding in decision-making and problem-solving by illuminating the path forward. Beyond its cognitive benefits, Fluorite serves as a shield against negative energies, creating a protective barrier around the aura. It dispels confusion and negativity, allowing one to see through illusions and distractions. Fluorite's stabilizing energy promotes emotional resilience and inner peace during times of upheaval or uncertainty. In the realm of spirituality, Fluorite serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, facilitating communication with higher beings and enhancing psychic awareness. It encourages exploration of the subconscious mind and past lives, opening doors to deeper understanding and spiritual growth.

Scolecite: with its delicate crystalline structure, embodies the essence of serenity and inner peace. It gently guides the soul towards states of profound relaxation and tranquillity, creating space for introspection and self-discovery. Scolecite's calming energy soothes frayed nerves and quietens the mind, making it an ideal companion for meditation and mindfulness practices. Beyond its role in meditation, Scolecite is a powerful tool for dreamwork and lucid dreaming. It enhances dream recall and facilitates communication with the subconscious mind, unravelling the symbolic language of dreams and unlocking hidden truths. Scolecite's ethereal vibrations elevate consciousness and expand awareness, inviting seekers to explore the mysteries of the inner self. Emotionally, Scolecite serves as a gentle healer, offering solace to wounded hearts and nurturing emotional resilience. It encourages the release of stagnant energy and emotional baggage, promoting forgiveness, acceptance, and self-love. Scolecite's nurturing embrace creates a safe space for emotional healing and growth, fostering a deeper connection to the heart's wisdom and intuition.

Zeolites adorn homes with their natural splendour and aesthetic charm. From shimmering clusters to delicate formations, each Zeolite specimen is a masterpiece of nature's design, showcasing intricate patterns and captivating hues.

Incorporating the essence of water, Zeolites embody the fluidity of existence and the cyclical nature of life. Their presence evokes a sense of fluid motion and dynamic balance, mirroring the ebb and flow of the cosmic tides. As conduits of the water element, Zeolites harness the power of renewal and regeneration, inviting individuals to dive deep into the waters of self-discovery and renewal.


  • As the foundation of chakra alignment, Zeolite: grounds energies with the Root Chakra, fostering stability and inner strength. Its earthly embrace anchors seekers to the present moment, paving the way for profound transformation.

  • Stilbite: delicately caresses the Crown Chakra, opening channels to higher realms of consciousness and spiritual awakening. Its ethereal touch invites seekers to explore the depths of their inner wisdom, guiding them towards enlightenment.

  • Fluorite: with its kaleidoscope of colours, dances among the Crown, Third Eye, and Heart chakras, radiating clarity and emotional balance. Its luminous presence dispels shadows of doubt, illuminating the path to inner knowing and harmony.

  • Scolecite: the luminary of the Crown and Third Eye, whispers secrets of the universe in dreams. Its ethereal essence purifies the aura, inviting serenity and spiritual insight. As it intertwines with Zeolite, Stilbite, and Fluorite, a symphony of healing unfolds, embracing seekers with divine grace and profound transformation.

  • Weight: 842g

  • Length: 13 cm - Wide: 10 cm - Height: 9 cm

  • Origen: India, the Himalayan mountains

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